I am Antonio,

  • developer of the front-end.
  • manipulator of JavaScript.
  • solver of problems.
  • lover of cats.
  • enthusiast of VR.
  • shredder of cheese.
Autojack site!
Autojack site!



An awe-inspiring display of my radical skills. Autojack is designed to play Blackjack so the user doesn't have to. But they totally can. And that's the beauty of it. Ask yourself, where would we be without Autojack?
Get Jacked.
Rhyming Word Generator site!
Rhyming Word Generator site!


Rhyming Word Generator

My first project, an exploration of Javascript, turned into a deep dive on the structure of English words. This generator produces words unknown to man, and makes them mostly rhyme. Instant poetry.
Generate Nonsense.
Shop Antonio site!
Shop Antonio site!


Shop Antonio

Feeling that I hadn't demonstrated enough practical real-world examples, I set out to create an e-commerce site with all the features you'd expect. Welcome to Shop Antonio.
Browse my fake store.
Random Test site!
Random Test site!


Random Test

The project where I first learned how to use an API, react context, and chart.js for some visualization. Random Test shows the difference between two methods of generating values, and their distribution of 0's or 1's in a row.
Be Random.
My first portfolio site!
My first portfolio site!


First Portfolio

The first version of my portfolio, a labor of love, a gimmick, and a more in-depth explanation of my projects and their development.
A blast to the not-so-distant past.

Who I am

Antonio Zamora, front-end developer.

I found my love for programming when I decided to take a closer look at code and found that solving problems is fun.

I primarily focus on heavy use of Javascript using React, and more recently Next.js.

I have experience taking web designs and turning them into reality.

Antonio Zamora, a real human.

I was born and raised in the Bay Area, CA. I currently reside near Bloomington, IN. I enjoy playing Dungeons and Dragons every Monday. I also love cats, cooking, and video games.

Who I am

Antonio Zamora, front-end developer.

I found my love for programming when I decided to take a closer look at code and found that solving problems is fun.

I primarily focus on heavy use of Javascript using React, and more recently Next.js.

I have experience taking web designs and turning them into reality.

Antonio Zamora, a real human.

I was born and raised in the Bay Area, CA. I currently reside near Bloomington, IN.

I enjoy playing Dungeons and Dragons every Monday. I also love cats, cooking, and video games.